I can't wait for warmer weather!!! It's 3 degrees one day, 61 degrees the next,then 3 degrees again!
Mother nature ,
stop playing with my emotions!
Any-who,here are some of my favorite looks for this, seems like, endless winter season!
Like in my first post,I talked about how much the average person spends a day on an outfit.I almost NEVER pay retail for any article of clothing that I own, thus, I usually don't come close spending the average.So, from now on I will give the total of how much my out fit of the day cost! This will give you an idea of how much I pay for my outfit of the day.

Coat- H&M
Sweater- Forever 21
Jeans- American Eagle
Boots- DSW
Coat- Nautica
Shirt- n/a
Jeans- Levi's
Boots- Aldo
Coat- Guess, $50
Sweater- Brooklyn Indutries, $30
Dress: Earl Salko, $50
Tights- Uniglo, $6
Shoes- BDG, $10
Total:$ 146.00
What's your favorite winter look?
Photo Credits: Chelsea Colatriano